Spring Term 2024 – Year 2
In English, the children will be learning about poetry, non-chronological reports and formal invitations in the first half term. After the break, we will be exploring stories from other cultures, non-fiction texts and recounts.
We will start by looking at a variety of poems such as ‘School Newsletter’ and ‘Uh Oh’ by Ian Moore, as well as non-fiction texts like ‘Coming to England’ written by Floelle Benjamin. After half term, we will be reading scientific texts and recounts like ‘Little People, Big Dreams’.
In addition, we will be working daily on our phonics and reading comprehension, grammar, spelling, and have twice weekly handwriting interventions.
In maths, our areas for learning will be: time, fractions, addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers (regrouping and adjusting) and money. We will also be improving on our mathematical fluency in our daily maths meetings. Children are encouraged to use ‘Timetables Rock Stars’ at home to continue to improve upon their 2, 5, and 10 times tables. As well as access ‘Learning with Parents’ to further aid their learning.
The children will be exploring the similarities and differences between London and Nairobi such as the features of human and physical geography in both places. Their locations in the world, living conditions, traditions, and job opportunities for people.
Our science topic before half term is living things and their habitats, where we will discover plants and animals that live in our local environment, examine why plants and animals need each other, and research food chains. After the break, we will be investigating different materials, their properties, and their uses.
Art and Design Technology
Before the break, we have two exciting projects to delve into. We will be improving our textiles and collage making skills by sewing, reconstructing images by selecting appropriate materials for texture and colour, and create our own works of art. Then, we have a DT project on mechanisms, where the children will learn how wheels and axels work together and create their own simple wheel mechanism.
In RE this term, the children will be learning about the beliefs, practices and celebrations by those who follow Islam and how they live their lives. After half term we will be learning about why Easter matters to Christians.
On a Tuesday morning, the children will be improving their footwork and agility in outdoor football sessions. On a Wednesday afternoon the children will work on their transitions, balances and rolls during indoor gymnastics lessons.
In PSHE the children will be learning about personal safety. We will have lots of discussion about our feelings and how to notice when we may feel worried. What adults and friends we can trust to help us, as well as recognise what school rules help to keep us safe.
Children are encouraged to access Timestable Rockstars and Learning with Parents to further support the children in their maths learning. The children will be sent new books home each week, we advise to read or be read to daily at home. Any additional homework will be set on Microsoft Teams.
● Please ensure your child has a water bottle in class each day.
● Children need a spare pair of indoor shoes which are kept in a small bag on their peg, in case they get their shoes muddy in PE or during outdoor play.
● Please ensure jumpers and hoodies have names in. This makes them easier to locate if lost.
● Book bags and reading diaries/planners need to be in school every day.
● We may add updates and requests on Weduc so please keep an eye on this.
● Please feel free to message us via Weduc.