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Queniborough C.E. Primary School

Church Langton CofE Primary School

School Governors

Our Governors:

  • Chair of Governors: Patrick Rendall
  • Ex – Officio Governors: Hannah Roddy – Executive Headteacher, Lindsay Charlton – Head of School
  • Member appointed Governors: Jan Tothill
  • Parent Governors: Grant Mills, Cathrine Justesen, Jo Wilson
  • Staff Governor: Helen Metcalfe

To contact our governors, a message can be left at the school office or the Chair can be emailed at

It is our aim that emails will be acknowledged within 72 hours.

A school functions best when the governing body and the Head Teacher work together as a team in pursuit of common values. This certainly doesn’t mean that the governors are there just to rubber stamp decisions that are made by the Head Teacher. The governors’ relationship can best be described as a “critical friend”. We monitor and evaluate the work of the school, offering constructive advice, a sounding board for ideas and a second opinion on proposals. We are not there to interfere in the day to day running of the school, or to comment on the quality or methods employed by the teaching staff – those are the responsibility of the Head Teacher.

So what precisely do we do? We meet as a full governing body at least once a term, however much of the business is delegated to subcommittees. We have Finance and Audit and SIAMS subcommittees. We develop the strategic framework within which the school operates and determine the character, aims, ethos, and values of the school. We govern by developing policies against which the school operates.

The fabric of the buildings and the school finances take up a lot of our time. Most of the funding provided by the government comes directly to the school, which means we have tough decisions to make about the priorities for spending to achieve the best we can for the pupils. There is never enough!

Governors’ work can be challenging and demanding at times, but is also very rewarding. It’s never boring! If you would like to know more, perhaps with a view to becoming a governor yourself, please don’t hesitate to approach any of the governors or the school directly.

Accounts return 2022/2023

Accounts return Sept 2023 (one month accounts)