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Queniborough C.E. Primary School

Church Langton CofE Primary School

PSHE at Queniborough CE Primary School


Our curriculum leader for PSHE is Miss Wright.

We at Queniborough CE Primary believe that a strong PSHE education is important to help our pupils develop into well-rounded members of society, who can make a positive contribution to their community. Our PSHE curriculum incorporates RSE, Relationships and Health Education and is linked to other policies e.g. British Values, Anti-bullying, Behaviour and Internet Safety. It supports the Christian ethos of the school and our seven key values.


Pupils will learn to:

  • Understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
  • Understand how to stay safe and behave online.
  • Understand the dangers they may face, both in and around school and beyond, and be provided with the means to keep themselves safe.
  • Understand the law and consequences of risky behaviour.
  • Develop responsibility and independence within the school which they will take forward into society in their working lives.
  • Respect other people, in particular, learning to respect the different cultural/ethnic/religious/gendered viewpoints of others in our school community and the wider world.
  • Understand what constitutes ‘socially acceptable’ behaviour at school and in society.
  • Be a constructive member of society.
  • Understand democracy.
  • Develop good relationships with peers and adults.
  • Develop self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Make positive, informed choices as they make their way through life.
  • Understand that they have a right to speak up about issues or events, and to respect others’ right to do the same.

Everyone’s Welcome

We use the Everyone’s Welcome resources to teach our children about diversity.

Everyone’s Welcome is a Leicester/Leicestershire initiative which uses the ‘No Outsiders’ resource and framework to teach the Equality Act (2010) to primary school children.

No Outsiders is a whole school approach which uses assemblies and story books to teach children about all aspects of difference and diversity. These principles are promoted in the Equality Act (2010) and are in line with British Values.

Please click here to see the QPS PSHCE policy in full

Please see our Anti-Bullying Policy in the policies section

Please click here to see the QPS PSHCE Curriculum planning
