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Queniborough C.E. Primary School

Church Langton CofE Primary School


All applications for first time admissions must be made through Leicestershire County Council. The Council now encourages all applications for school places to be made online. Details can be found on the County Council website at The Admissions service telephone number is 0116 3056684.

Please read the criteria for allocation of places in our Admissions policy.

When there are more applications than there are places available, the governors will admit pupils according to the Admissions Policy criteria, which are listed in order of priority. If there are fewer applications than places, then no application is refused. If there are too many requests, priority will be given to children in the appropriate age-range, whose parents applied on time, in the criteria order.

In the event of over subscription, places will be allocated within that particular criterion (as listed above) by a method of random selection (drawing lots) that will be observed by an independent witness.

The closing date for primary school applications is 15 January 2025. The National Offer Day when you will receive the results of your application is 16th April 2025.

Mid-Term Admissions

For midterm transfers, please apply via the Learn Academies Trust admissions portal at The school no longer processes midterm admissions through the Local Authority. If you have any questions or require assistance with your application, please contact the school office.

We fully participate in the Local Authority’s coordinated admissions scheme. As per the School Admissions Code, all admitting authorities must aim to inform parents of their decision within 10 school days, and it is mandatory that a decision is communicated within 15 school days.

Learn-AT – Application Portal (

Hints and tips to help you with your application:

If you’re applying for more than one child to change school, you need to complete a separate application for each child.

Use your right to apply for more than one school, but make sure that one choice is always your catchment school (available on the school’s website).

Read each school’s admissions policy before making an application; available on either the School policies page or the school’s website – check the Your Guide to Education – list of schools for more information.

You should only include additional information if it is relevant to the school’s admission criteria.

If more than one parent has legal responsibility for your child, both parents must be in agreement over the school(s) requested.

Check that you press the ‘submit’ button and receive an acknowledgement email. If not, try again or contact School Admissions.

Make a note of your username and password.

Click here to see our catchment area

Admissions Process for Leicestershire Looked-After Children (LAC) without an EHCP applying for School Places in Academies Click here

Admission Appeals

Parents have the right to appeal if they do not accept the decision of the Governing Body of Queniborough C E Primary School not offering a place. To deal with appeals, special appeals panels will be set up and the Governors will have to abide by the committee’s decisions. The administration of such appeal panels will be carried out by the Diocesan Board of Education.



Post: Leicester Diocesan Board of Education, St. Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ

Appeal Form Notes we have published; the latest version can be found here:

Appeals should be sent to the Diocesan Director of Education, St. Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ. The appeal must be in writing on the relevant form which can be obtained from Mr. Ian Jones, Diocesan Board of Education, St. Martins House, 7 Peacock Lane, Leicester, LE1 5PZ.

Timetable for Admission Appeals

Appeals must be made by 3rd June in writing on the relevant form, and appeals will be heard on the 27th and 28th of June.

Appeals lodged after this deadline, like appeals for in-year admissions, will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. In all cases, appellants will receive at least 10 days written notice of the appeal hearing. They may submit additional evidence in writing by noon the day before the hearing. Decision letters are sent to the school, DLAT, and appellant within 5 days of the hearing.