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Queniborough C.E. Primary School

Church Langton CofE Primary School

Friends of Queniborough CE School (PTA)

Friends of Queniborough CE School

Friends of Queniborough School is open to all parents and their family members, staff, governors, and villagers.

The main aim of FOQS is to raise much-needed funds to assist and support the school. In the past, FOQS has supported many projects, including contributing to purchasing reading books for across the key stages, large P.E. apparatus, trim trail, playground seating.

We try to meet regularly to organise fund-raising events, whether they be in the school during the school day or at weekends or evenings. At present, the group is run by a team of dedicated volunteers, although new members are always needed and welcome. Even if you do not wish to be on the committee, we are always in need of volunteers to help at events such as stallholders, serving teas & coffees, setting-up and clearing away at functions, selling raffle tickets or running the tombola. All we need is 1 or 2 hours of your time every now and then, the pleasure you get from the appreciation of your hard work is so rewarding.

As mentioned above, our main goal is to raise much-needed funds which enhance all the children’s school experience while at Queniborough CE Primary, so please come along and get involved!

Should you be interested, please leave your details at the school reception and a member of the committee will contact you in due course.