Vision and Values
The Aims of The School
Our School aims to develop among all children:
- Confidence, self-esteem and an awareness amongst pupils of their own feelings and the feelings of others.
- Physical health, mental health, wellbeing and quality of life.
- Skills, knowledge and personal qualities that will prepare them for adult life.
- Lively enquiring minds with the ability to question, hypothesise, argue rationally, make decisions and apply themselves to tasks, including physical activities.
- High levels of attainment in both core and foundation subjects.
- The ability to use language, number, scientific and information communication technology skills effectively in a variety of contexts.
- To encourage the morals and values of the Christian faith, encompassing the Church of England’s Vision for Education.
- On understanding and respect for moral and religious values, for all individuals, for the world’s many ethnic and religious groups and for people having any form of disability, including children with special educational needs.
- Knowledge and appreciation of the world and an understanding of the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.
- An appreciation of human achievements.
These aims will be reflected in all we do in our teaching and dealings with pupils and parents.
Our Biblical Root
We have made a child friendly vision statement directly from the biblical root with the children. This underpins everything that we do as a school:
With JESUS at our side,
We ACT with a sense of right and wrong.
We show LOVE by being kind to everyone.
We WALK through each day with modesty in all we do.
Our 7 Christian Values
Children in school worked together in their friendship groups to decide the seven key Christian values that represent our school. Children first discussed and recorded characteristics that they felt were important about our school and then these were collated into seven areas. Children and staff then worked together in a special school assembly to identify which values matched these qualities. Our ‘Stars of the Month’ children are often chosen for reflecting one of these values in their everyday life.
Our Year 6 ambassadors are elected at the start of every year.
Ambassadors should be the very best role models for their fellow pupils throughout the school and at all times. Selecting ambassadors is always a hard decision, and we have put every effort, without any bias, into ensuring that those children chosen are the best possible examples of a primary school pupil; based on our daily knowledge of the way that the children:
- Interact with children of all ages.
- Always respond positively to staff (including support staff and lunchtime supervisors).
- Try their best (including homework, reading at home, learning spellings).
- Demonstrate selflessness.
- Contribute to school life.
- Show confidence in presenting and talking to both adults and children (or the potential to blossom).
- Uphold the class and school expectations.