Welcome to the Foundation Stage 2023/24
Our names are Mrs Worby and Mrs Durrant, and we are the class teachers in Foundation Stage, Ms Shell and Miss Shepherd support us in the classroom.
Our Foundation Stage Christian value is belonging. We choose a child to be a Christian Value Champion, they are a role model for showing the school value to the school and wider community.
We deliver a rich play-based curriculum in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage and CUSP curriculum. Our classroom is a space where each individual is valued and encouraged to initiate their own ideas, resulting in a fun, busy and stimulating environment, where children have confidence to make choices and take risks.
On this page, you will be able to discover what your child will be learning about in class each term. Please access Weduc for further information, photos and reminders.
Phonics and Reading
We use the Sounds-Write phonics scheme. Over the spring term, we will be learning digraphs made of the same letter (ll, ff, ss, zz) and words containing adjacent consonants (club, list, plonk, strap etc)
Children will bring home reading books and we expect children to read at home for a short time each day.
The children are encouraged to use their phonic knowledge when writing using the sounds they have already learnt. Children will participate in role play and acting sessions, we call these ‘Creation Station’. Children will all belong to Drawing Club where they will enjoy stories and using their imagination to draw and make codes.
We use Mathematics Mastery throughout the school. In our class, maths is a practical subject based around the language of maths, patterns, shapes, size and numbers to 10.
Each week, we have a focus text which the learning is linked to, including group tasks, whole class input and activities within continuous provision.
Children participate in PE every day as they have access to our exciting outdoor area. Children will also run around the running track and have opportunities to ride our balance bikes.
PE days are Tuesday and Friday.
Forest School
Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting. We are very lucky to have an amazing Forest School area on our school grounds on the corner of Coppice Lane and Main Street.
Children have Forest School sessions every week on Thursdays with Mrs Durrant.