We will be learning about a number of interesting topics this term.
Our writing will start with a focus on extended third person narrative adventure stories where we will be looking at developing characters and settings through description and dialogue. Later in the term we will be exploring and writing an explanatory text, a newspaper report, an autobiography and a first person story with a moral. We will be using high quality model texts to support the development of our writing.
In our reading lessons we will be using a diverse range of texts, starting with All Aboard the Empire Windrush before moving on to The Island and Skellig.
Our focus in maths for the first half term will be missing angles and shape, coordinates and decimals and measures. In Spring 2, we will move on to learn about percentages and statistics and proportion problems.
In Science we will explore the human circulatory and digestive systems and learn about how the two are connected.
Our history topic for this term is the Windrush Generation. This will include exploring how people of the Caribbean helped in World War 2, why people migrated from the Caribbean to England, what life was like for the Windrush pioneers and how the Windrush migration changed Britain for the better.
In Geography we will be learning about the terrain in the Lake District, the Tatra mountains and Caribbean and identifying similarities and differences. We will also consider where settlements are found and think about whether people, their movement and economic activity have patterns.
Art and DT
In Spring 2, we will be exploring techniques in 3D and collage, including batik. In DT we will consider whether food affects the way we feel and explore nutrition and the sensory and healing qualities of food.
Our RE this half term will consider the big question ‘Why do Hindus want to be good?’ In Spring 2, we will consider ‘What do Christians believe Jesus did to ‘save’ people?’
In PE this term, we will be focusing on gymnastics, badminton, tag rugby and hockey.
In our computing lessons we will be learning about programming variables in games and data and information (spreadsheets).
We expect the children to read daily and this should be recorded by adults in their Reading Log. Reading books and logs should be in school every day and logs will be checked on Mondays.
Children should also be using Times Tables Rock Stars every week to help with their spelling and mental maths. There is a times tables test on a Friday.
Maths and Grammar homework will now be sent out on each Friday and will be based on SATS style questions to provide an opportunity for the children to practise.